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La médecine au coeur de notre expertise


Grâce à leur bonne connaissance du terrain et du système de soin, nos équipes vous accompagnent dans la

mise en œuvre de vos projets collaboratifs médicaux à l'échelle locale, régionale, nationale et internationale.



Imalink-Medical, c’est la mutualisation de trois compétences et expertises complémentaires :

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is a medical practice which, by means of new technologies, places in contact with each other :


  • Either the patient and one or more health professionals, including a medical professional

  • Or several health professionals, including at least one medical professional.



It enables:


  • a diagnosis to be made,

  • monitoring in a preventive context or post-treatment supervision,

  • a specialist opinion to be sought,

  • the prescription of products or the provision of services or actions and the supervision of patients’ conditions.


Article 78 of the law “Hospital, Patients, Health and Regions” (HSPT) of 21st July 2009 recognized telemedicine as a remote medical practice utilizing information and communication technologies (ICT). This definition now appears in the Public Health Code.


Telemedicine is not a replacement for current medical practices but constitutes a response
to the challenges experienced by the provision of health care today
(access to care, medical demographics, decompartmentalisation of the system).



Imalink Medical is developing its own platform, its first module being a tele-radiology tool enabling full management and care of a patient case, in the form of an emergency or scheduled treatment.


All stages of patient care are tracked for complete transparency. It is a process intended to ensure absolute trust between the doctor and his patient.



©2014 Imalink-Medical TM

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